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How to Become a Witch/Wiccan

It is often asked where one should start when they've discovered this wonderful system. First of all, when you ask this question, does...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Art of Cleansing/Dedicating Tools Without Tools

It is often expected that in order to cleanse, consecrate and dedicate tools, you need tools to do this. But what happens when you have tools you need to use in order to do these cleansings, but they are not cleansed or dedicated themselves? Here I offer a solution to cleanse and dedicate your tools for use, with nothing more than yourself.

During typical cleansing rituals, you often call upon the elements through the use of tools (candle for fire, incense for air, etc). It's possible to do this without the benefit of tools.

First you take your tool and cleanse it in a physical sense (if needed). Next I offer optional solutions. Feel free to alter as needed.

Take your tool and present it to the East. Gently blow on the tool (I'll explain the "why's" of all this below). State appropriate words like:
"Spirits of the East, powers of Air, I cleanse this tool so that it may be free of all hindering residual energies"

Next, take the tool and present it to the South. Hold the tool close to your heart (please be careful if you're doing this with an athame or other sharp tool. I don't want you to cut yourself)
Again, make appropriate statement like:
"Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, I cleanse this tool so that it may be free of all hindering residual energies"

Next take the tool and present it to the West. Ok...this may sound gross, but it's not half as gross as some of the other Witchy tasks that are out there lol. Lick...either the tool itself, or your finger, then apply to the tool (I lick my finger, then draw a pentagram).

Make appropriate statement like:
"Spirits of the West, powers of Water, I cleanse this tool so that it may be free of all hindering residual energies"

Present the tool to the North. Hold the tool with one hand underneath it, and the other hand on top of it (sort of cupping the tool). Make sure you have as much of your skin contacting the tool as you can (but don't hurt yourself in the process).

Make appropriate statement like:
"Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I cleanse this tool so that it may be free of all hindering residual energies"

Hold the tool to the sky:
Make appropriate statement like:
"I present this tool to Spirit, that it may be cleansed of all hindering residual energies"

This is a generic way to cleanse your tools. No other tools necessary. Now, why do we do what we did in this "ritual". When we blow on the tool, we are using the power of air, coming from our own mouths. Holding the tool to our heart, warms the tool, which represents fire...or the fire of our spirit. Licking the tool, or applying our licked finger to the tool represents water, as we are made up primarily of water. Holding the tool in our hands, represents earth, the physical contact; matter that makes the rest of us. And obviously, holding the tool to the sky to present it to spirit/deities/etc.

Now naturally, I present everything in my blog as generic, open to alteration because I know not everyone follow the same patterns and rituals. Please, feel free to alter this to suit your needs (if you don't like the idea of licking the tool or your finger, BY ALL MEANS, use water lol).

In the same manner you can dedicate the tool to it's job, OR simply place your tool on your altar, or a pentacle/altar tile and state "this tool is dedicated for (insert use)".

Witchcraft need not be complicated with all these complicated, special tools. Remember that our ancestors and predecessors didn't have fancy tools to dedicate and consecrate. All they had was themselves.

If you REALLY want to get rustic...take your tool outside and perform it in a similar way as above, but instead of holding the tool, place it on/in the ground; instead of licking the tool, run it in a river or lake; hold it to the winds instead of blowing on it; hold it to sunlight instead of holding it to yourself.

There are LOTS of ways to cleanse tools that don't involve other tools. Use your imagination.

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