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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Do Pagans Believe in God?

There seems to be a common misunderstanding that because people are Pagan, that somehow means they are automatically atheist (or worship nature). Perhaps this misunderstanding stems from the idea that if you're not Christian, then you must automatically be atheist. It's somewhat correct that Pagans are atheist to Christians as Pagans do not believe in the Abrahamic God or Jesus, but that doesn't mean they are entirely Atheist. Pagans do indeed believe in God...just other Gods.

Pagans are not Christian. That's pretty obvious. Most Pagans spend most of their lives defending themselves and trying to differentiate themselves from the Christian religion. But that doesn't mean that a Pagan can't believe in God. It's more a matter of WHICH God. And there is a plethora of Gods out there to choose from.

"God" is a title. Like Mr, Mrs or Ms. The term "God" is not a name. Even the God in the Bible has a name; YHVH (or more crudely "Yahweh", though I'm a little rusty on the proper pronunciation of the God of Abraham's name).

You would more or less have to go and ask every individual Pagan which God they believe in, because the answer would be almost innumerous. Norse Heathens honor Norse Gods, so think in terms of "Thor". Hellenists worship the Greek again, think Zeus, Hera, Artemis, etc. Celtics worship the Celtic Gods...Cernunnos, Cerridwen, etc. People worshiping the Egyptian pantheon (I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you call them) worship Egyptian Gods (obviously), so think Amun-Ra, Osiris, Isis, etc.

So for someone to ask if Pagans worship God...the bigger question isn't if they's who or which one? The Christian God is not the only God in existence or is worshiped in the world. Everyone from Hindus of India to the Aborigines of Australia believe in a God of some sort (and obviously I'm not talking about Atheists here...I somehow feel the need to point that's pretty clear atheists don't believe in Gods, so they really have no place in this post).

I will mention that there are some Pagans who are atheists. Buddhists, for example, are atheists. Of course, they won't acknowledge that they are Pagans, as in actuality the term "Pagan" refers to more European peoples...but the term seems to have evolved and changed over the years and now refers to ANYONE who is not a worshiper of the Abrahamic God, so this (unfortunately) includes Buddhists.

But those who are not atheist NOR Christian, Islamic or Jewish, believe in Pagan Gods who call to them or draw people to them. So to answer the question...


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