There are many misconceptions as to what Witches do. Many people believe that Witches are somehow accurately portrayed in books and in movies or that somehow we believe WE can do what we see on tv and in movies. Naturally this is an incorrect assumption.
**First misconception is the spelling of magic itself. There's the assumption that all Pagans and/or Wiccans intentionally misspell the word "magic" because somehow we can't seem to be able to tell the difference between stage or "sleight-of-hand" magic from Pagan magic. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't need bad grammar to help me tell the difference between something. Depending on the context of the sentence or topic, I can tell the difference between Polish, and polish...I don't need to misspell them to tell the difference.
-The Polish are a people residing in Poland
-I use polish to shine my silver
Not all Pagans or Wiccans will spell magic with a "k" (magick). I'm a bit of a spelling fanatic...if I see something misspelled, it's almost like nails on a chalkboard, so for me to see magic spelled with a "k", it picks at me like a bug bite.
Aleister Crowley essentially started the fad (in the context of Paganism) with the reason I mentioned above...somehow he felt the only way he could tell the difference between stage magic and his Thelema practice was to misspell the word. I assume it has to do with archaic spelling (like spelling old with an "e"). Long ago people used to add extra letters to words, today we don't really need to add unnecessary letters to words (or even make complete words anymore thanks to text-talk).
It's completely up to the individual if they want to spell magic with a "k", but it's an incorrect assumption that ALL Pagans will spell magic this way.
**Another misconception, as already stated above, is that many people think Witches think they are what we see on tv. As a Pagan Witch for...oh...roughly about 16 years, not once have I ever claimed, nor ever believed I was capable of doing what Witches do on tv or in movies. Oh how life would be simpler if I could just throw a couple ingredients into a smoking pot and poof, all my problems would go away. Alas, Witchcraft is just not like that. There are a lot of mundane tasks that need to be done alongside the "production" art of Witchcraft. I certainly can cast a spell using all kinds of ingredients and make all kinds of talismans and charms, but if I don't do the mundane tasks alongside my "witchy" tasks, my spell will not work.
Take for example the common "Love Spell". Now, I don't condone the use of Love Spells when it involves someone specific. Love spells should be used to bring closer to you, the one the universe intends you to be with, not to force someone you WANT to be with you, to come to you. But I digress here. With a Love Spell you could either place flower petals, sweet smelling oils, trinkets and/or herbs associated with love into a bottle or a sachet, then empower it and carry it with you, but unless you go out LOOKING for Mr. (or Ms.) Right, it's just a bottle/bag sitting in your pocket/purse or in your car. You have to take the initiative and go out LOOKING for Mr./Ms. Right. You have to help your spell along (or more appropriately, your spell is helping YOU along).
Now, normally I don't give this guy below the time of day [anymore] because he's very ignorant, but here is an excellent example of someone who believes the nonsense perpetuated about Witches and Wiccans without knowing what he's talking about (I've already tried explaining things to him but he's set in his ignorance).
Now I'm going to keep this person anonymous...just for his own privacy, because unlike him I am respectful of other people, regardless of if I disagree with them or their incorrect assessments.
This is a typical copy/paste response from...let's call him "B". Now I won't address what's written here because that draws me away from the point of this post. The point of this...point (lol) is that this is what people THINK Witches THINK they do, while none of it's true. I've come across a number of Witches and Wiccans throughout my 16+ years as a Witch. Some were quite naive and actually DID believe they were Witches seen on tv, but usually they fizzled out after 2 weeks and I never saw them again...where as the serious, most dedicated Witches and Wiccans I've met and know, are nothing like the BS and nonsense perpetuated in the image above.
**The last misconception I want to talk about here is that all Witches and Wiccans are teenagers. Sure...most of the LOUD Witches and Wiccans you see on the internet are teenagers, but typically these people fizzle out after 2 weeks, once they realize how much work Witchcraft and Wicca ACTUALLY are. Out of all the forums and associates I've met throughout my years as a Witch, there have maybe been a teeny handful of Witches/Wiccans who were teenagers. For every teenager I've met claiming to be a Witch or Wiccan, there are perhaps 20 Witch/Wiccans out there who aren't loudmouthed attention-seekers (but please don't assume I believe all teenage Witch/Wiccans out there are loudmouthed,'s just the loud majority I see online). The vast majority of truly dedicated Witches/Wiccans that I know of are my age (mid-30's). I know one 20-something, but I know her dedication is sincere and I encourage her whenever I can.
There are plenty of misconceptions out there about Witches, Wicca and Paganism in general. Instead of going off third hand knowledge, which is most likely biased and opinionated...if you really want to understand these systems, read a book. Learning about something doesn't automatically make you a makes you educated.
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