If you're coming into Witchcraft completely fresh and uneducated, then the VERY first step to becoming a Witch is to become educated. There's nothing wrong with being uneducated when you first decide you want to be a Witch; we all were at some point. Even me.
Unlike me, however, you have someone with knowledge to lead you down, roughly the right path. I had no one and had to learn everything on my own. Naturally you're going to make mistakes now and then on your own, but then you wouldn't learn anything if you didn't.
The first mistake EVERYONE fresh to this path makes is obtaining things BEFORE they know what they're for. It's so fun and exciting when you start a new project you just want to get out there and buy everything you can get your hands on, and everything everyone recommends to you. But if you do that, pretty so you'll end up with a hundred tools you know nothing about, and they end up sitting in the corner, collecting dust and never being used. How do I know this will happen? Because I've done this, as well as just about any other practitioner I know. We've ALL made this mistake. And why did we make this mistake? Because we didn't listen to those experienced who told us not to (IF...there was anyone around).
I see plenty of people out there who ask this question: "what tools do I need to be a Witch". At the point where you haven't even bought your first book, you shouldn't be buying tools yet. It's nice to have them, but when it comes right down to it, do you understand the purpose BEHIND the tools? We all have the idea that the wand is supposed to be waved around and something is supposed to happen. But that's not quite what the wand does. What's an athame for? Why are we using a double-edged knife, especially if people are adamant that Witchcraft is not the sinister craft people make it out to be?
Each tool in the Witches arsenal has a use and a meaning. Without understanding the meaning behind each tool...you're just going through the motions and accomplishing nothing. In the beginning the ONLY purchases a novice should be making is books. Buy all the reputable reading material you can and sit down and read them. Soak in what they have to say; understand what they are trying to teach you; determine if you really need an athame, or if you can simply just get by with a wand or even using your finger. I have a listing of recommended books in the above tab.
Below I will go over the many used tools Witches use and why they use them.
ATHAME - Primarily a Wiccan tool, the athame is a double-edged blade used for directing energy. Traditionally, it's a black handled knife that is only used for things like consecrations, casting the circle, etc. Most traditionalists and purists will tell you it never cuts physical items...but not all Witches are Wiccans so those who use the athame outside a ritualistic structure may use the athame for all sorts of things, INCLUDING cutting physical items. It is also known that many non-traditional Wiccans have used the athame for physical cutting as well, but to each his own, especially if they're not traditional.

WAND - Not unlike the Athame, the wand is also a directional tool, and is also primarily a Wiccan tool (though there's nothing stopping a Witch from owning and using one). Typically it's used to cast a circle, but also to call elements. Unlike the Athame, though...it's not a cutting type tool, therefore it cannot be used to cut physical items. The Wand can be made of a variety of materials, but it's favored material is wood. Usually people will find branches they've found on the ground or cut from a tree, decorate it in whatever way they feel is best, consecrate it and put it to use, however there are some who have used other items to make their wands, including wooden dowels from their local hardware store, copper tubes, or even crystals.
CHALICE - It's not a trade secret what a chalice would be for, though again, it primarily would be used in Wicca, rather than Witchcraft. A chalice is nothing more than a fancy cup, and is sometimes used on the altar to hold water in the West, or to hold ritual drink. In traditional settings it is one of the key components of The Great Rite in which the athame is dipped, point down into the cup (the purpose of The Great Rite can be found in other resources).
CANDLES - Again, no trade secret what candles would be used for. There are lots of reasons why candles would be used in both Wicca and Witchcraft. In both settings it could be used for illumination and the creation of "atmosphere" to get you into the right frame of mind for working. In Wicca it could be used as deity representations, representations of the elements, etc. In Witchcraft it could be used to represent an intended person, or used to light various things from other candles, to paper, to herbs for incense.
CAULDRON - Again, both Wicca and Witchcraft use the cauldron. It is a black, cast-iron, pot-bellied pot. Generally small in size, though they DO come in a wide variety of sizes...but with size comes cost. Smaller ones are easier to use and have easier portability, as well as fit nicely on one's altar/work space. In Witchcraft, the cauldron can be used to burn items such as herbs, paper, effigies, etc while conducting workings. It can also be used to hold water for water divination or to charge items. In Wicca, the cauldron is representative of the Goddess' womb, therefore it is a feminine tool and representative of the Goddess.
PENTACLE - In Wicca, the "Pentacle" is actually nothing more than a disk on the altar on which you charge items (which is why so many people are confused as to what a "Pentacle" actually is). It MAY contain a pentagram, but it could also be marked with a Triquitra, Triple Moon symbol or other symbols. It is used to charge items that have been consecrated and are now awaiting to be designated for use. It is representative of the element of Earth, and (if the altar is elementally set up) is set in the north.
In Witchcraft a Pentacle is a round disk, but generally does solely contain a Pentagram in the circle. It is used to charge items created in workings (i.e. spells)
BOLINE - Not really a mandatory item in Witchcraft, it is the opposite tool of the Athame. Where the athame is not used to cut physical items, the boline would be the tool used instead. To contrast the athame's black handle, the boline would have a white handle, and would be used to cut things from paper, to cords to herbs. Few Witches may use a boline, as some may simply use their athame, believing the athame may be used to cut everything from energy to physical items.
BESOME - Ritual Broom. Some Witches may have a Besome merely to be symbolic. Wiccans use the besome to ritually cleanse their space before conducing ritual to rid the area of any negative or influencing energies.
There are also a few other items both used in Wicca and Witchcraft that are fairly straight forward:
-Incense: Used for atmosphere or to carry prayers
-Blessed Water: Used to bless or dress items
-Statuary: Representations of deities
**More images to be added later**
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