People can't seem to be able to let go of past beliefs to open the way for new ways of thought. As a result, you get people who try to intermingle systems, however illogical it may be. They fight tooth and nail to justify their system, even at the expense of criticism from those of the faiths they combine.
Christian Wicca
Christian Wicca (or Trinitarian Wicca as many call it) is a combination of both Christianity and Wicca. The reason people who follow this "system" don't see a problem with it is because they don't fully understand either faith to begin with. They believe they can incorporate some concepts from both systems into one, while dismissing or flat out ignoring other KEY concepts that make Christianity or Wicca, what they are. One justification I've seen is the idea that the Christian God had a wife in the beginning. Be that as it possibly may, Christianity today does not acknowledge ANY spouse of the Christian God, therefore it's blasphemic to profess the idea that you are a Christian who honors the theoretic "wife" of the Christian God. This theory comes from the Canaanite scriptures...scriptures that are not used in today's Christianity.
If so-called "Christian Wiccans" are combining Wicca with the Canaanite scripture and liturgy, then the title of their system is all incorrect and thus incredibly confusing.'re going to go this route, then it would be in the best interest of the system to be called "Canaanite Wicca", not "Christian Wicca". To label it "Christian Wicca" would imply that you are following the modern Christian religion while intermingling Wicca into it.
So, it's just not possible to be a Christian and a Wiccan at the same time. That's like trying to be an Atheist Jew. It's not going to work. Basic flaws in combining Christianity with Wicca are as follows:
Christianity teaches that:
-All answers to life and spirituality are found within one book, claimed to be inspired (or written) by their God
-There is one and ONLY one God; that he is a jealous, vengeful God and wants for nothing more than devoted worship to him and ONLY him
-To not believe in the Christian God, Jesus or the Bible is a destiny to eternal damnation or eternal torture
-Life is black and white. You're either Christian or Satanic.
-You need a savior to save you from original sin (the sin of Adam and Eve)
-Christianity is orthodoxic (meaning you just believe for no other reason than you've been told to).
Wicca teaches that:
-There is no one singluar book that teaches you everything about life and spirituality. You learn about these things through living and experience.
-There are multiple Gods and Goddesses out there. Their "emotional" state is moot, and they don't really care if humans worship them.
-There is no "eternal damnation". Everyone goes to the same place after death, either blinking out of existence or going to "Summerland". There is no punishment for being human.
-Life is multifaceted. You can believe what you want so long as it's not contradictory (because logic is important).
-There is no sin, therefore there is no need for "saviors".
-Wicca is orthopraxic (meaning you believe through experience).
There are fundamental concepts of both religion that make those religions what they are. To remove these key concepts destroys what these religions are. So, for example, you cannot be a Christian Wiccan if you remove the Goddess and focus only on the God (to be Christian). That throws off the balance Wiccans are trying to achieve. You cannot ADD a Goddess (i.e. Mary/Sephora/etc) and maintain being a Christian Wiccan, as that would be blasphemic, as the Christian God SPECIFIES that you worship him and him alone. You cannot be a Christian Wiccan when you incorporate "Nature Worship", as neither have ANYTHING to do with "nature worship".
If you want to become a part of a religion you have to fully understand the concepts that make that religion what it is. Most of those who try to incorporate Christianity and Wicca don't understand either Wicca OR Christianity, which is why they think they can combine the two religions. So when you start omitting concepts or adding concepts from the one into the other, this is how you destroy those systems, making them nothing more than a mish-mash and essentially creating an insult to those religions.
I would ask that if you are one religion and want to change religions, to really explore and understand what makes this new religion what it is, then decide whether you really want to change religions or want to stay the one you are. You cannot combine two religions, especially two that are diametrically opposed to each other.
So, it's just not possible to be a Christian and a Wiccan at the same time. That's like trying to be an Atheist Jew. It's not going to work. Basic flaws in combining Christianity with Wicca are as follows:
Christianity teaches that:
-All answers to life and spirituality are found within one book, claimed to be inspired (or written) by their God
-There is one and ONLY one God; that he is a jealous, vengeful God and wants for nothing more than devoted worship to him and ONLY him
-To not believe in the Christian God, Jesus or the Bible is a destiny to eternal damnation or eternal torture
-Life is black and white. You're either Christian or Satanic.
-You need a savior to save you from original sin (the sin of Adam and Eve)
-Christianity is orthodoxic (meaning you just believe for no other reason than you've been told to).
Wicca teaches that:
-There is no one singluar book that teaches you everything about life and spirituality. You learn about these things through living and experience.
-There are multiple Gods and Goddesses out there. Their "emotional" state is moot, and they don't really care if humans worship them.
-There is no "eternal damnation". Everyone goes to the same place after death, either blinking out of existence or going to "Summerland". There is no punishment for being human.
-Life is multifaceted. You can believe what you want so long as it's not contradictory (because logic is important).
-There is no sin, therefore there is no need for "saviors".
-Wicca is orthopraxic (meaning you believe through experience).
There are fundamental concepts of both religion that make those religions what they are. To remove these key concepts destroys what these religions are. So, for example, you cannot be a Christian Wiccan if you remove the Goddess and focus only on the God (to be Christian). That throws off the balance Wiccans are trying to achieve. You cannot ADD a Goddess (i.e. Mary/Sephora/etc) and maintain being a Christian Wiccan, as that would be blasphemic, as the Christian God SPECIFIES that you worship him and him alone. You cannot be a Christian Wiccan when you incorporate "Nature Worship", as neither have ANYTHING to do with "nature worship".
If you want to become a part of a religion you have to fully understand the concepts that make that religion what it is. Most of those who try to incorporate Christianity and Wicca don't understand either Wicca OR Christianity, which is why they think they can combine the two religions. So when you start omitting concepts or adding concepts from the one into the other, this is how you destroy those systems, making them nothing more than a mish-mash and essentially creating an insult to those religions.
I would ask that if you are one religion and want to change religions, to really explore and understand what makes this new religion what it is, then decide whether you really want to change religions or want to stay the one you are. You cannot combine two religions, especially two that are diametrically opposed to each other.
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