The altar not just a set up once and forget it type of deal. Surely there are plenty of people who own temporary altars, but those are not the kinds of altars I will be talking about in this post.
The altar can be changed periodically to suit the changing seasons, especially for those in specific Wiccan systems. Lots of Wiccans like to set up their altars to coincide with the changing seasons, or with the different Sabbats. But how do we do this? Here I will offer some suggestions.
The next upcoming Sabbat at the publication of this post is Samhain. Probably my most favorite Sabbat. I'd always loved Halloween, and thus, since becoming Pagan, Samhain has become incorporated with that love.

At this point my altar is fairly basic. But I had bought some clear colored plastic acorns and leaves in which I sporadically placed on my altar to remind me of the upcoming season and Sabbat. But there are so many other ways one can decorate their altar, while not taking anything away from the spirituality of it. Because my altar is on a fairly large wooden box, I could also string up some leaf garland or even add a wreath (though I could also add the wreath to the wall as well). Other seasonable items you can place on your altar for this time of year can include gourds (either real or resin) such as Pumpkins and/or squash. Small skulls or skeletons, black birds, or Witchy representations, can be added as a reminder for the upcoming holiday of Halloween. No need to necessarily separate Halloween from Samhain (if you don't want to), especially since the two are so intertwined.
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