Do you understand the difference between Initiation and Dedication?
There is an obvious difference between initiation and dedication. Simply within basic definitions we can understand the differences between initiation and dedication. For example, to be initiated means "to induct into membership by or as if by special rites". In traditional Wicca one is inducted into a coven of a specified tradition through special rites. However, being initiated into ONE group/coven does not mean that what you learn and attain there can be transferred to another group/coven. Leaving one group for another, may mean you have to start at the bottom of the "totem pole", so to say. Just because you were initiated into one group and had moved up the ranks, even to becoming a High Priestess does not necessarily mean that once you move into another group (even if it is the same tradition), you retain that rank. You may have to start the process all over again, from 1st Degree/Initiate.
Dedication on the other hand is something you do on your own. To be dedicated means "devoted to a cause, ideal or purpose" (in this case, being devoted to your spirituality). You cannot induct yourself into yourself through initiation because you are on your own, and this makes no sense. Where initiation is done through group effort, dedication is something you do on your own. With dedication, you can pick the time that feels right to determine that you are ready to "dedicate" your life to your spirituality. If you so choose, you can, at the spur of the moment decide you want to dedicate yourself to your spirituality, whereas if you were a part of a group/coven, you would have to wait until the group determines you were the right match for the coven, then schedule the appropriate time for the initiation to take place, and when your study period will start.
Do you understand the difference between lineaged and non-lineaged?
For one to be lineaged, one would have to be able to prove the line by which their tradition formed traces back to the original Gardnerian tradition, formed by Gerald Gardner. Many traditions fall under this lineage, including Alexandrian.
A non-lineaged person would be someone who practices a branch of Wicca that does not originate with Gerald Gardner. One individual in particular I can use as an example with questionable lineage: Silver Ravenwolf. She has yet to provide evidence that her tradition dates back to Gardner. She is anything, if not an Eclectic Pagan who is misusing the term "Wicca" to label her spirituality.
Do you understand what "trad" actually is?
Like lineage, a "trad" is a sect of Wicca whose lineage can be traced back to Gerald Gardner and his originating tradition of Wicca. Traditions of Wicca include Gardnerian (obviously) and Alexandrian. Branches from these two groups can be numerous, but I don't have access to accurate information in order to determine which alternately named traditions are lined with Gardnerian's tradition.
Groups such as Faery, Dianic, Celtic, Seax, etc are all branches of Eclectic Wicca (a branch of Eclectic Paganism). They borrow elements from Wicca to form their own "traditions". Quite often these groups are mistaken as legitimate branches of Wicca, without their lineage being proven to line with Gardner's original concept.
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